My first paragraph
This is a linka tag difines a hyperlink, href specifies the url
Img src = image source, alt = alternative text, image description if image not available
This is a
paragraph with a line break
this is a red paragraph
this is a blue paragraph
style atribute adds style to an element e.g. colour, fornt, sizemouse over this text to see title atribute tool tip
above is a horizontal rule
the pre element preserves spaces and line breaks look how cool this is pre stands for preserve
this is a paragraph in Darkturquoise
paragraph in the colour plumb. It also really bothers me that the code only works with the american spelling of colour. Or at least, the website I'm useing insists on the american spelling. I've also come to the realisation that i suck at spelling and typing. Thanks dyslexia.
Rgb,hex, hsl colors
paragraph ins brush script
am i going to learn how to stack these style mother fuckers? who knows.
this is regular text this is subscript text this is bold text this is important text, ngl looks just like bold this is italics this is emphesized this is marked text this is smaller text this iscrossed out/ deleted textthis is insterted text this is superscript text
CSS cascading style sheets
red paragraph.